The real problem I see is the automatic $500 fine for altering the exhaust in any way. This implies no aftermarket AT ALL, except EPA approved SE ones retrofitted by the HD dealer only (even they may fail 2800 RPM, 45 deg, 20 ft, 95 dB measurement anyway). The good news is bad laws usually mean law enforcement hopefully will not waste their time...hopefully anyway!
Another case of the few causing heartburn for many!!
Let's see how can we keep them from coming to Laconia and spending millions of dollars in a week and helping to keep our economy alive....I wonder!!:swoon
Looks like an iteration of the New York law that did not pass. their thing is going to be enforcement. At least there is no bike confiscation in this one. Seems as if Laconia bike week could be an expinsive. I would count on one or two members of the local law enforcement community having a dceible meter.
You hit on something there.....I live in the people's republic of Massachusetts and for the last 10-15 years I have been watching people flee from the tax burdon of this state to New Hampshire. Well, you can guess what has happened! The proof is in this stupid bill. New Hampshire has gone from the live free or die state to a nanny state. They have enacted a speed limit on Lake Winnipesaukee, and now this......
If I read the first post correctly, this change has been introduced, not yet passed. Maybe sanity will prevail in the various committees it goes through, like a finance (enforcement costs) committee.
Here in Calif. much gets introduced, but not much ever gets passed (Just the really, really, stupid stuff).
I'm a member of MMA(Massachusetts Motorcycle Association). They sent out an email with all the NH politician’s emails and asked us to write about our concerns. So far I know of two NH Representatives whom have step over to our side. Here is a site that tells a little about what's going on. NHMRO - New Hampshire Motorcyclist's Rights Organization
This seems a little like requiring a person to carry a breath analyzer so the cops can see if you're above the limit or a lie detector so they can tell if you are telling the truth.