I name everything. Every automobile, bicycle, truck, tractor and motorcycle has a name. I was raised by my grandparents who were raised in the depression. I think the naming of mechanical transportation was a throwback to owning horses or maybe it was a way to signifiy, "ownership."
I have a grandson who lived with me from birth to 2 years old. We bonded. He had a word that he used to signify "go for it!" or, "I'm gonna do it!" or, "look poppi, I did it!" That word is hedapi. I'm not sure how to spell it, but it sounds like; "head up high," spoken fast.
When I brought home the lowrider, he was wating on the porch. His big blue eyes lit up and he screamed, "hedapi!" So hedapi it was.
He hasn't seen the new bike. It's an ultra classic. I'd like to call it hedapi as well, However, Topanga comes to mind because she is so beautiful! Maybe, Hedapi will be Topanga's last name.:bigsmiley16: Forgive my longwindedness