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Old Tech: Thomas Guide Book (ol' truckers standby) or AAA Travel Tix (if I want a pre-planned itinerary done for me). :newsmile057:

New Tech: Tom Tom (wired live all the time cigar/accessory socket to wire to my battery tender fused cord), but now they have pre-made ones at the HD dealer now. I would suggest one made for bikes (they are way expensive though...HD one I hear is 'round $700 large).:small3d031:

Be patient - the prices are coming down like on most high tech stuff. The one at Best Buy (marine/motorcycle - can't remember exact model) is down a couple hundred dollars since I last looked several months ago. Could be discontinued or could have been a Christmas sale but the prices are definitely coming down.
I'm still using maps, memory, intuition, and taking an occasional unintended side trip. However, a riding buddy has a Garmin (550) and has mentioned how much he likes it.
My boat has GPS and I can't get used to it,I still use a compass and nautical maps. I'm not putting one on my bike. If I was I think I would go to Walmart.I can't believe the selection and pricing they have at some of their larger stores. Beat the electronic stores hands down.
My boat has GPS and I can't get used to it,I still use a compass and nautical maps. I'm not putting one on my bike. If I was I think I would go to Walmart.I can't believe the selection and pricing they have at some of their larger stores. Beat the electronic stores hands down.

Steve...your just an "old salt" w/ good ol' reckoning and sense. No worries new tech will come to there that is more intuitive and user friendly. Problem will be something simple like a bad battery could make boating less safe than more safe...such is the high tech world we live in, less old fashion "Common Sense" which I have said before is not so common and a learned experience. :newsmile057:
We always plan the trip, highlight the routes on the map , notes for exits, and the wife programs the hotel into the gps aka Gloria Garmin just to be sure we find it. The gps is great when in a large unknown city, with the when to turn info comes up, but somehow the , re-calculating, turn NOW seems to happen alot. but honestly after every trip weather it was 2 days or 5, the first thing my wife does when we get home is, open the map up and starts planning the next journey,where we go, see, and stay,and of course these trips just happen to have all the H-D dealers we haven't been to yet, while I'm unloading and cleaning the bike, somehow I need to get her more involved
IPhone for now. I'm hoping i've been a good boy and Santa will bring me a Zumo 550. My fingers are crossed.
I love the DeLorme Atlas and Navigation Charts for most stuff, but there has been occasion when I was totally lost and didn't have a clue where I was on the ground or on a map. In those instances, or when the fog rolls in heavy nothing can beat a GPS. I use a hand held Magellan to get me out of trouble.