Active Member
Since you are the proud owner of one of Milwaukee's finest vintages, I guess you do not want to dump TOO much money into it.
Based on what I've read (with a filter on and as Bubbie reports, both RevTech and Ultima 6-speeds are good units. I went for an Ultima unit, and for your softtail they have complete trannys with housing and all for about $50 more than the gear-set only.
I got it for myself for Christmas, so I've not tried it yet. I will listen to the advise of those running high quality oil in them, though...
Based on what I've read (with a filter on and as Bubbie reports, both RevTech and Ultima 6-speeds are good units. I went for an Ultima unit, and for your softtail they have complete trannys with housing and all for about $50 more than the gear-set only.
I got it for myself for Christmas, so I've not tried it yet. I will listen to the advise of those running high quality oil in them, though...