For me it was just wanting. We had a 03 RKC, 24,000 miles nothing wrong with it, but I was wanting a Ultra Classic, and after a few visits to the dealer and listening to the wife telling me I wasn't old enough for a geaser glide, I got her to sit on one. Well...
It is exciting to be able to work the dealer down to a price they don't want to go to, but nothing like that grin on your face the frist ride home, looking off to the side and seeing your shadow.
What is scary is when you think about 40 plus years of riding a few lost to extended summer vactions in far away lands.
I lot of miles have been racked up so many few would beleave it if you told them.
Longest I ever kept same bike was about 70,000.
RG might be around longer than that and FB is not tp far off.
Million miles in 20 years is only 50,000 a year not that hard to do if retired.