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New Hampshire House bill on helmets

Statistics be that as it may, organ transplant availablilty has declined steadily, with fewer organs being harvested from motorcycle fatalities since helmet laws passed just plain fact, trust me on this...! It started when seat belt laws passed a decade earlier, and continued at an even steeper rate with airbags and collision hardening of vehicles.
I hope the law doesn't pass. I have used a seatbelt in whatever I drive and wear a helmet whenever I ride. Been doing so since I became a father 18 plus years ago. I believe the laws are introduced not for our safety but the do-gooder lawmakers need to justify their existence and we bikers are the easiest target around although when riled up enough we are formidable foes. I know helmets work, had enough incidents happen and witnessed to realize that but we cannot let the politicians take ALL of our rights IMO. One of my doctors calls us organ donors but since I had (and beat) cancer I tell him that's kinda a moot point. I didn't get cancer from riding a motorcycle either!
Just to stir the pot, here are some stats from the CDC regarding traumatic brain injuries.

What causes TBI?

The leading causes of TBI are:

* Falls (28%);
* Motor vehicle-traffic crashes (20%);
* Struck by/against events (19%); and
* Assaults (11%).1
If you do the math only 20% are caused in motor vehicle crashes, that's all motor vehicles, not just motorcycles!:small3d023:

So, my question is why not wear a helmet all the time? :dknow

There are those out there that are jealous of those who love their freedom and try to distort facts so they can further their agenda. The New Hampshire agenda may also involve the Laconia Rally. Although most small business owners and many citizens love the excitement there are some who would like to see it ended. New Hampshire is also a favorite location for bikes all Summer and some would like that to end. They know they can't just put an end to the bikes so they try to pull an end run to make New Hampshire less attractive to those who love their freedom.

I just hope that the NHMRO can hold strong on any issue of the violation of the freedoms we now enjoy. One of the great pleasures in this corner of the country is riding the mountains of western Maine and New Hampshire and this bill, if enacted will hurt the vacation industry in New Hampshire greatly.

From the website: CDC
They did try to push air bags on a bike Honda was pushing for it but they backed off

LOL............ I wonder how good they would work on a high side accident flying off the bike :s. I saw a video on youtube that had airbags installed in a jacket or vest, interesting idea but not sure if it would save many lives.
Do you really thin any of this seat belts , helmets and the like is about saving anyones life.
It is about controll and nothing more. They could not care one bit about your life.

I know it's not but that's how I look it since everyday I decide ride my bike it could be my last because of someone running a light, not watching what they are doing, or even a dumb mistake I could make. Maybe I need to think more like a politician........ NEVER :D
They see a ricerocket going 100 mph on a wheelie and think a (EDIT) helmet will save his life and they want me to wear a (EDIT) helmet for that IDIOT. They can't even run their own life and I'll be (EDIT) if they'll run mine.:bigsmiley29:

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They tried the airbag test on bikes, but determend that it made to much dust upon impact because of dirt bags like me on the bikes. "Ha Ha":D
But maybe if they put Endust in the bags it might work!
No helmet laws here in Arizona so I don't even own one. Might break down some day and get one but I would need to be traveling thru a state that requires them for that to happen!!
Do you really thin any of this seat belts , helmets and the like is about saving anyones life.
It is about controll and nothing more. They could not care one bit about your life.

Do I think helmets and seat belts save life's? Yes. Do I think they should be laws - not sure... Seems like they are trying to legislate common sense.

They just passed a law in Ohio that says if you have your wipers on, you have to have your headlights on. They have GOT to have better laws to work on than that...
I think the one's making the bills should be riding the bus (short bus) with thier helmets on and no licking the windows:rofl