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New Harley issue


New Member
I bought my first Harley forty eight last Saturday and when I rode it home it was leaking oil they picked it up Tuesday and said it was because it the oil pressure switch was not torqued properly and changed the oil filter. Then they said they rode it 20 miles. When they got it to me one day later it only had 10 mil put on it. They said they would clean the oil off it and they did if you only stood right above it there are still pools of oil down low. I rode it 10 more miles and oil everywhere. now they just what another chance but even if they fix it I don't want it just breaking again next year
Sorry to hear of your bad experience Is it new or used? It's hard to find a good quality technician who cares about their work, it's all about the money!
Welcome aboard from Gulf Coast Al. If it's a new bike from the dealer it should be under warranty. Stick to your guns and make them fix it. As Jeff says it's a shame one can't find a good quality tech these days. Good luck!
Welcome to the Forums James. I'm sorry to hear about your problem, but it sounds to me like you are getting the run around from a bad dealership. You'll find out that it takes practice to change the oil filter without getting oil on the parts/wires underneath it, but it takes very little talent to spray the area with cleaner to remove the mess. Find the owner of the shop and make sure that he knows what you are back for, and how many times.
Welcome to The Forum, sorry to hear about the poor experience you are having
I would contact HD Customer Support directly and open up a complaint in case something (800) 258-2464 happens to your bike.
Don't disagree with the previous posts but knowledge is power. Take the bike to the car wash and clean the oily areas, blow dry and ride home; the source of the leak should be exposed. Now you know more than the dealer techs as they obviously didn't find the source of the leak when they had a chance. Like I said, knowledge is power. Protect the intake with a garbage back or something similar to prevent any water from finding its way into the intake.