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New Hope,Pa and Loud Pipes

Articles like this one kind of make me wonder.

If I have offended anyone in here I am sorry. I know I will receive a lot of flack for this post. I bought my first Harley 8 months ago and the one thing that surprised me was the suspicious looks and stares I get because I am riding one. It is my 14th bike and it is the first time it has happened to me. All I am doing is riding and trying to have a good time.

No offence taken by this rider. It seems that 'our rights' are being eroded by members of our own community who insist on demanding 'their rights".
look man, I'm just tryin to stay alive on the road....with these crazy drivers out there. Im not out to do anyone any harm.....I dont drink (when I ride), dont cause comotion, no loud pipes..... I can only speak for myself but I think many would agree with me in saying as a previous post said, it only takes a few bad apples.....true not every town wants to be a sturgis, but when that town's major source of revinue is from us, they need us...and we need them. Its a hand and hand thing. Can't cut off your nose to spite your face..........
Just ride and be safe
It's been a year or so since the bride and I visted new Hope. The comments on parking and the fact that bikers make up a lot of their business is right on. While some yahoo playing a tune on his V&H at the traffic light can be annoying, what always got me, is for such a small 'burg, the truck traffic going through the heart of town is amazing! I mean there is barely enough room for two trucks to pass each other, as they allow parking on the main drag.