I've done something similar - only went with LEDs for the passing lamps with a strobe unit, also connected to 4 small red LED blocks under the Tour-Pak. I don't worry about draw - I have replaced all the lights on my bike with LEDs, including the passing lamps and headlight (see the review a friend & I did of 2 different LED headlight offerings in the thread titled "UPDATE - LED Head Light Comparison JW/HD & TL".
I'm an Assistant Senior Ride Captain. Last week I rode in a funeral for a KIA, I positioned myself as the last bike, after all the PGR bikes, just in front of the funeral home vehicle... unfortunately, as is typical, the lead LEO and the funeral home drivers didn't communicate... the LEO was leading at about 10 under posted, but the funeral home vehicles wouldn't go over 20. As a result the LEO's and PGR bikes pulled away... luckily all intersections were LEO controlled as well, but at one point is was me leading with no one is sight in front of me... I was VERY glad to have the LED strobes. The lead LEO was finally radioed to slow down, when I caught up there were three non-procession vehicles between me and the rest - with the strobes and my air horn, I was able to get them to pull off...
In these types of situations, you can't have too many lights. Even while just riding...
If you count all the individual LEDs in the various clusters on my bike I have over 600 points of light. :small3d031: Over 200 are running/brake in the rear... The draw on the system for all the LEDs (at high intensity, for those with low & high) is equivalent to having only my previous halogen high beam on (which was at 75 watts) (i.e. only the old high beam, no other lights)...
Thanks to all PGR members for what you do.
And in observance of "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day" today as proclaimed by Congress:
Welcome Home!
ASRC, IL Patriout Guard, Region 7