Well another update. Got my chrome back and sat it on the motor for a pic or 4 . I only posted 1 for now.That was about 2 wks. back. A week later I ran some temporary wires & jumper cables. Pre-primed the motor with oil by cranking it over, Plugs were out,used elect. starter off & on until I had oil running out of the front exhaust rocker arm.
Put on some old mufflers,primed the S&S Super E with a hang bottle of gas and hit the starter.Fired up after a couple cranks. Motor sounded pretty good, no excessive noises.
I have points in it temporarily and set with a timing light. I marked the nose cone & points plate. They go in my tool pouch for possible roadside break down. I have a DynaTek Dual Fire set up for it. In the process now of doing the wiring.
The Tins are at the painters.
More to come.