The problem is that on laced wheels there is so much allowable run out. .030" in both the vertical and horizontal planes is a bunch in my opinion. But that number is acceptable and within spec.. Unless your really lucky, chances are any laced wheel will have some run out.
If it's vertical run out that you now have, you may want to try setting the run out in the tire opposite the run out in the rim. It takes a little work to do but it will nullify most of the total run-out. Forget the dots on the tire facing the valve stem.
On one of my NEW TIRES, watching from the allowed distance in a HONDA shop ,,, putting on my NEW dunlop that said JAPAN and NOT HARLEY.......
and about 40$ LESS for tire(same numbers as the HD) and 35$ LESS for the dis-mount-mount n balance offered by COCHISE MOTOR SPORTS in SIERRA VISTA AZ.
I noticed sever attempts up and down wit the air ,,,, LOOSENING tire and push n pull then finally airing it again and onto the balance machine where it needed NO WEIGHTS.
THE RIDE on my bike was SMOOTH as SILK and the trick was told me later by the mechanic...: LINE UP TIRE SO IT IS EVEN AND STRAIGHT ON RIM!
saying it takes MORE time but YOU get a better job...
Also on one that was way out of balance ,,,, HE, JUST loosen mounted tire, giving it a ? 180* turn and the LARGE balance weight was not needed.
that pleased me!
Hey guys I got the rim back it is straight the only thing the tech told me at the dealer was the seam on the rim was off a little bit and the rim has a low spot . He said that the wheel has a very small up and down motion when u turn it I installed the rim and turned it and u can see in one spot it will move down just so slightly will that be a problem? .
Or should I ask them to get me another wheel
is the bump area less than a spark plug GAP? if so it should be okay.... I think once a wire wheel hits a few bumps it will either get better or worse..
MY OPINION'''' when I was YOUNGER, I HAD TO HAVE the wire wheels, it was just NECESSARY..... LOOKS!!!!!!!
NOW several years WISER, i like the mag wheels the bike comes with and that is good enough for me....
old school