They look like slip-ons, if so how much louder are they? This is what i want to get for my 07 FLHT but I don't want them too loud. I've listened to some You-Tube clips which sound just a little louder but mostly better tone, what do you think?
Well they are not going to set off a car alarm. It is difficult to say since they are behind me but I'll guess 4 times louder than stock from my position. Romping on it and you being behind me I bet it would be louder still. I have only put 10 miles on them and up and down the alley with tall fences is not a good test. I'm going with midway between stock and drag pipes but a nice deep tone so it doesn't feel that loud at all.
They sound great Jack, I'm no longer running in silent mode. Thanks for your imput while I was researching 3½" or 4". I do appreciate it.:s
Harley@16, I went out at dusk last night and put about 40 miles on, with a much higher rate of speed (65 to 75) and even the slight acceleration at those higher speeds is reflected in the pipes. Now I don't know if the sound is going to change, one post implied they will "break in." Not sure about that. And there is the fact that I'm still getting used to them. In summary they bark really good and pretty loud. If you are in a city that has pretty tight sound enforcement you might want a different muffler. I'm not going to lie they let you hear every twist of the throttle.
All the Rineharts I've heard do seem loud but I sure do like their tone and bark, I was hoping I could get away with it from the comparison I heard online,