Congratulation on the new steed. There is nothing like the heart and soul of a Harley. That is a big part of the enjoyment of owning one. May you make many memorable miles upon it.
Not counting all the fantastic days of riding your Harley, the two best days of ownership are the day you buy one and the day you buy your next one. Congratulations, we all know how your feeling.
Even a 35-degree day is a good one when you're riding a king...congrats on the new scoot. Man, that was a "Iron Man" run getting 'er home, but bet it was still smiles all the way!
Great choice for a first Harley. Sounds like you did your homework and made a good buy.
I have been riding along time. Bought heated jacket and gloves last year, and I will never leave home (on any trip) with out them.
Ride safe and ride free.
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