My guess is a 74/75 FX.. That group according to the flyer on the video is playing in Wa. in sept. at the outdoor amphitheater at the muckleshoots about 5 miles away. I stay WAY away when they have a concert..
NO I wouldn't get near that mess to ask the DUDE... All featured in video make "good looking bikers" but doubt IF that bike goes with them up here. Just the right age/style bike for that video.... Nice
The pics are definetly iron head sporty. could be a 70 with an aftermarket trans. 70 would have the foot shifter and break on the wrong sides. I think in 70 the xlh was a 883 and the xlch was a 1000. kick start only. the small pics make it hard to see but it is far from original. ive got a 70 and just going by that.
The original photos are that of an early ironhead Sportster and probably 883. Somewhere after 1964 as the 64's were the last year for 6 volts and the motor pictured has an electric starter but prior to 1973. I would juess from the pictures the only stock items would be the motor/trans, the front forks and brakes. Can't tell about much else. The breaker appears stock also.
If you like that one, click on the video for "Blind in Texas". Great song/video and ZZ Top even makes a quick cameo appearance. Living in Dallas, I can really relate to that song.
Nothing much stock/orginal on this bike. Can't remember those side cases so maybe in the 65 to 69 year range but they could be aftermarket as well. I thing you can lump all the old iron head Sportsters in the $1500 to $2500 range. I would put this one in the bottom but that is me and I haven't rode it. You need to be able to adjust points on the fly, and would carry a tool kit for first few months until you gain that comfort level. A good running Sportster will be a street brawler light to light fast. But so many were hacked on by guys that were not into a long term aproach. More like the get it through the season approach. Buyer beware