My first post, in fact the reason I registered was due to this recall. I have 2100 miles on mine, built in June 07. Been planning a trip with my wife for several months down to NM, about 700 miles down, plan for 900 miles back, leaving next week. Our dealer here in Wichita still does not have the parts, have 200 on the list, I am 29th. Looks like I have dealers along the way, down and back. From what they tell me, there is no magic mileage when these things give it up, could be 500 miles, they have seen them go at 20,000. They have over 200 sold, have seen 6 of theirs back. I look at it as about 3% failure out of their sales. Yes a crap shoot, but 97% is pretty good odds. Anyone have better statistics? Just trying to determine my odds! Thanks for all the good information.