We idolize entertainers far too much in this country. I recall the hoopla when Dale Ernhart (spelling?) died. They were both great ENTERTAINERS, but they were NOT hero's and do not warrant the kind of honors both received. :newsmile047::newsmile047: I did 20 years in the Navy and will do another 20 or more as a Law Enforcement Officer. When I croak, I want last taps blown, and a flag for my family. If I go in the line of duty, my brothers and sisters in uniform at the service would be nice. I expect, and deserve, no more. :58:
For the life of me I will never be able to figure out why people worship these types. Other than a gift for singing, driving, or playing with a ball, what else have they done for humanity? Flags at half staff, I think not! :small3d002:
Okay, I'll kick the soap box to someone else now. :small3d023::small3d023: Daily rant taken care of. Think I'll go tinker in the garage...