In the UK we have an annual ministry of transport road worthiness inspection generally called mot
it is mandatory for every road vehicle over 3 years old
it is primarily a safety inspection brakes, tyres. lights, horn, wheel and frame bearings, and more recently that the vehicle conforms to the law numberplate size colour and location and exhaust system
all data on mot is held on a central computer system so police by doing a simple vrn check will know if it is in date if it is out of date they can seize the vehicle and crush it if you haven't got all the correct legal stuff for your vehicle
it helps to ensure that most vehicles on the road are safe to use which is a good thing as it helps keep the roads a safer place to be
it is mandatory for every road vehicle over 3 years old
it is primarily a safety inspection brakes, tyres. lights, horn, wheel and frame bearings, and more recently that the vehicle conforms to the law numberplate size colour and location and exhaust system
all data on mot is held on a central computer system so police by doing a simple vrn check will know if it is in date if it is out of date they can seize the vehicle and crush it if you haven't got all the correct legal stuff for your vehicle
it helps to ensure that most vehicles on the road are safe to use which is a good thing as it helps keep the roads a safer place to be