Active Member
Hey DarkKnight. For sure, I feel I've been prepping for this since I was 16.The closer we got the more intense it got. And thanks for the good words. It’s nice to know people are following along while we are so far away from home. That really helps us feel more connected.You've obviously done alot of good pre ride prep. Hopefully it'll all pay off so as to lessen the issues when you're down Guatemala way.
Lots of good pics, and a good solid narrative. It's like we're along for the ride... without the extra weight of a sidecar hack.
Will be watching for more.
OK, getting close to the real ride now................
I’m getting so fired up I’m almost peeing my paints.(Drums) Heidi is usually silent about the planning details but lately she has been voicing a lot of thoughts and good ideas. She is really thinking about her packing list and what she can bring. Every week I get handed a small pile of stuff with her theory of why it should come. This sets me back in my thoughts, I have to make sure I have all the details ironed out. We talk about strategies, routes and destinations. We’re going to the travel clinic getting shots, pills and instructions. Wow, it’s really happening. I already told my boss and will make it official with HR in a few weeks. We’re going down our check lists and marking things off, world camp stove, check; water proof stuff sacs, check; new computer, check. Last weekend Heidi got new water proof touring boots and a helmet, check.
I think I have things under control, time to goof off and bling up the bike a little. I love the ADV slogan “Ride the World” The decal goes on.

I like it!

I copied this image from a T-shirt. I thought it would make a good graphic on the new gas tank. I like the hair….(Ya right!)
I played with the size until I got it just right, then just printed it out, two copies, one the mirror image of the other.
I take the printouts and position them on the tank where I want. (I’m liken this way too much)
Once positioned I applied some painters tape on the tank under the printout.

I don’t know what I’m doing and I’m making all this up as I go. That said, I install a new X-acto blade and proceed to cut out along the graphic on the print out and into the painters tape to create a template mask.

This required a good eye and a steady hand. Like the original artist I must duplicate the exact figure and lines and curves. The work is intense. The lines are iconic and must be exact.

I’m satisfied with the results. The tape figure peels off with ease. The breasts on the right side are a little more forward,

the ones on the left side are thrusting up in a more playful fashion. I like them both (smile) Will I ever grow up?

Ready for paint. I hope this works.

I’m thinking I should wait at least 24 hours before taking the tape off. I guess it’s time to put on the new drive belt. I never realized how much work you save by having a chain that you can split. I spent at least a half an hour with a cup of coffee just looking at how I’m going to do this. I find myself thinking wimpy thoughts and wanting to just take it somewhere and have it done. I recognize my thoughts and say to myself “What if I need to do this on the road in the middle of nowhere? I need to know I can do it and how”

I had trouble figuring out how to remove the right foot peg, it needed to come off. The foot peg turned out to be one with the side case. I finally get everything to come off. Yes!

It didn’t show up but a small hail storm came through while I was working on the bike. Large pea size hail coming down hard. No better place to be than in the fish house with my bike. (That’s almost poetic…)

The new belt is on, score! I call up the local bike shop, Kick Stand motor sports and ask if they have a Dunlap 402 rear tire my size in stock. I’m back an hour later with the new tire mounted up. Life is good….
I feel the drum roll, I peal back the painters tape. Nice

I still have daylight and it feels eerie warm out, time to take my new girls out for a spin.