My home work is showing that If I do slip on's only, I will likely be fine, if I do in take and exhaust, a tuner of sorts is recommended. I'm wanting to do slip on's for now due to finances, I figure if I have an issue with decel pop or carb pop, time to go all the way. Maybe the best way to see for sure, is do a before and after sniff test.
I've heard of the Terry Component system, called the Terminal Velocity, self adjusts and constantly monitors and makes changes. I've heard negitives on the hdforum but no no one with this unit, Does anyone here have knowledge on the V&H Fuel Pack or the Terry??
I don't know anyone with the Terry components system but from what I know about it is it's O.K., but not the best. It uses the same narrow band oxygen sensors as the stock set up, so if you do anything more than a stage one I've heard it doesn't work very well.