It is a strong person who takes on life's challenges!....
Thank you..
It is a strong person who takes on life's challenges!....
Thank you..
RUB...Are you seeing a doctor to see if thair is something you can do to help your back..If you drink sometimes to help your back sir..If it were me I bet the doc could give you something to help..I only say this because I have been going to the doc myself..Good luck
Yea I have tried (been prescribed) different medicines (Naproxen, Ibuprophen etc) but all the NSIDs cause the same reaction. I can take them for a day maybe two without too bad a reaction, but cannot take them continually. Just one of those things.
My neck was broken in an auto accident in 1996 (guy ran a red lite and Tboned me on the driver's side). It injured my back, then it healed and with therapy I got almost normal again. But as I have gotten older, the arthritis has settled in on the injuries. I get fairly good results from regular exercise, it keeps blood flowing in the area and seems to help the stiffness. I will sometimes exercise before I ride. Thanks for your concern though.
Yea I have tried (been prescribed) different medicines (Naproxen, Ibuprophen etc) but all the NSIDs cause the same reaction. I can take them for a day maybe two without too bad a reaction, but cannot take them continually. Just one of those things.
My neck was broken in an auto accident in 1996 (guy ran a red lite and Tboned me on the driver's side). It injured my back, then it healed and with therapy I got almost normal again. But as I have gotten older, the arthritis has settled in on the injuries. I get fairly good results from regular exercise, it keeps blood flowing in the area and seems to help the stiffness. I will sometimes exercise before I ride. Thanks for your concern though.
Haven't had a drink since 98, alcohol was a big part of a divorce and had to raise two young kids by myself so didn't think that the drinking would assist with raising the kids.