I think HD is doing a pretty good job just keeping some of the major portions of the motorcycle made here. I am actually surprised it has lasted this long. I really believe that is due to customer loyalty and some of that is based in the the HD owner really wants an "American" product. It is part of the history and culture of HD riders.
I think it is more intersting that we feel we want "American Made" on things we think should be made in America (cars, blue jeans, HD etc), but a "Chinese" TV or VCR seems to make more sense.
No one complains about "all the coffee" we drink not being "made in America". If we tried to grow it here, no one could afford to drink it. Come to think of it, that is kind of the reason that the colonists switched to coffee from tea. Same thing for HD, whether it is the actual motorcycle, corporate profits, share holder profits etc. HD is a company and if they don't make $$$ they fold. The fact that they are still around says they are working within the very fluid environment of trying to please customers, share holders, employees and government regulations within a finite amount of $$.
If HD was completely made in the U.S. I bet it would cost $100K and you would probably only have 2 models to choose from. Those that have there own business know this, I think, but seriously: imagine you employed 4 of you.
Add your wage, + taxes, + benefits picked up by the company, if any. Then add the yearly mortage of your house and utility bills. You have to come up with that every year before anything has the chance of becoming a profit.
I am suprised that the corporate headquarters are still in the US.