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Off to therapy AGAIN

I am sure the therapy is supposed to be good for you and you will get the best results by doing as you are told and no shortcuts :)


Indeed, got new exercises for the left leg, yikes it hurt when she stretched it out, but she was a looker. And I have to behave cuz she knows The Redhead HAAAAAA
I hope the therapy reduces the pain and gives you a little more mobility.
The eye candy during therapy doesn't hurt either!:s
Indeed, got new exercises for the left leg, yikes it hurt when she stretched it out, but she was a looker. And I have to behave cuz she knows The Redhead HAAAAAA

Could you get her to come to Salt Springs in case somebody needs some therapy? :s
fast recovery Jack , im still in and out of hospital with chest pain and diabetes :(

That's to keep you motivated.:s Best to you Jack and I hope they are able to reduce your pain...

Good luck Jack. At least you have excellent medical coverage!
Sorry to hear that Rob, Thanks every one. I have 4 more sessions then I see Sports Medicine Dr, doing new specific leg exercises now The nerve damage in my back has caused all of this but at least now with a trike we are in da wind:s
Keep the therapy up Jack if anything will help it will!! Remember as (jamesearl) said massage it good!! +1 that thought.