If you have the time and the dollars, and your doing it yourself ; change every 500..
When you go to the dealer for the 1000 Check MAKE SURE THEY DONT PUT
THE SAME OIL IN ALL THREE HOLES.. They did this to me, I rode it home and dumped $16 dollars of hd syn3 out and dropped in lucas 75W90 or use your favorite transmission oil. I was very unhappy that the MOCO thinks this is a good idea. I did not even get a choice.. SoapBox = OFF.. Regards --Chino
When you go to the dealer for the 1000 Check MAKE SURE THEY DONT PUT
THE SAME OIL IN ALL THREE HOLES.. They did this to me, I rode it home and dumped $16 dollars of hd syn3 out and dropped in lucas 75W90 or use your favorite transmission oil. I was very unhappy that the MOCO thinks this is a good idea. I did not even get a choice.. SoapBox = OFF.. Regards --Chino
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