Lets say oil pump puts out 2GPM, and lets say the filter has 200 .002" holes in it for oil to pass thru. If hooked up one after another, oil sees 200 holes and then another 200 holes. This would be a series hookup.
Now parallel, oil leaves pump, T's, now oil sees 400 holes to go thur "at once" instead of 200 and then another 200. See the difference. Double the holes at once, less restriction.
Forgot, as far as oil cooler adding restriction? It does, because its hooked in series.
You could not hook up oil cooler at the front engine plugs because oil will take path least resistance and bypass oil filter. But two equal resistances (oil filters) oil will go thur both equally.
Now parallel, oil leaves pump, T's, now oil sees 400 holes to go thur "at once" instead of 200 and then another 200. See the difference. Double the holes at once, less restriction.
Forgot, as far as oil cooler adding restriction? It does, because its hooked in series.
You could not hook up oil cooler at the front engine plugs because oil will take path least resistance and bypass oil filter. But two equal resistances (oil filters) oil will go thur both equally.
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