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oil cooler adapter Question???

Lets say oil pump puts out 2GPM, and lets say the filter has 200 .002" holes in it for oil to pass thru. If hooked up one after another, oil sees 200 holes and then another 200 holes. This would be a series hookup.
Now parallel, oil leaves pump, T's, now oil sees 400 holes to go thur "at once" instead of 200 and then another 200. See the difference. Double the holes at once, less restriction.

Forgot, as far as oil cooler adding restriction? It does, because its hooked in series.
You could not hook up oil cooler at the front engine plugs because oil will take path least resistance and bypass oil filter. But two equal resistances (oil filters) oil will go thur both equally.
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The harley oil pump is a constant volume gear pump. Pressure only occurs when resistance is met.

The pump moves a fixed amount of oil. It reaches the filter. Pressure builds as the resistance of the filter is met. Once it reaches a pressure that excedes the resistance of the filter the oil flows through the filter.

By doubling the path of the oil you have not decreased the resistance, both filters have the same resistance. And the pump is still flowing the same amount of oil.

Now the pump has to push a larger volume of oil to reach the flow through pressure.

It just does not provide you with a benefit. If you could increase the volume of the oil from the pump you would have a benefit.

You want a scary thought. The harley filter has a 8 to 10 lb bypass.

At about 1800 rpm guess where the oil is flowing.
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You want a scary thought. The harley filter has a 8 to 10 lb bypass.

At about 1800 rpm guess where the oil is flowing.

Remember, we are talking about the differential pressure, not strictly the pressure out of the pump. So if the pressure across the filter gets too high (over the spec due to plugging off of the media), then the by-pass relieves.

Nope. Parallel filters will have 1/2 the flow going in, which equals 1/2 the resistance at the "inlet" of each filter. Simple hydraulics.
The 12" or so of extra hose would not be that much restriction, if any.
The ports on Harley engine are parallel to the oil ports at filter mounting, so what Overload did was mount another filter in parallel with stock filter.
Call Derale oil filter mounts. I'm done.
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