The lines Im reffering to where the 3 oil lines coming off the bottom of my oil tank on an Evo softail.It was a few years back but it left a lasting impression.Compression fit lines are all similar in that thet require a straight cut or straight tube to attach to.This means no nipple on the end, hence if youre ever far away and one leeks a quick trip to Napa for an oil hose and some hose clamps are not nescesarily going to fix your problem.
OK. I think we may be talking apples and oranges here. The link I posted is for a universal braided ss oil line designed to be used with a barbed nipple (at least that is what Jagg told me). Both the Jagg 10 row oil cooler and the oil filter adapter have barbed nipples for use with the black reinforced hose and hose clamps that Jagg includes in their kits. When I called Jagg for a suggestion to get rid of the barbed nipples and go with a better connection, they recommended the DS lines. These oil lines come in preset lengths with the compression ends permanently fixed to each end. So you have to set everything up with the hoses that come in the kits, and when you are satisfied with the setup, measure the length of the black hoses and then order the DS hoses that will fit the installation.