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Oil Filter...Chrome or Black

I've reached the point where i don't get too close to the working of my bikes anymore, I just let my dealer change the oil ,He used chrome i don't care, If he would have used black i wouldn't care either.
I like Black, but then my Bob has a lot of things blacked out. However my dealer charges the exact same price for chrome or black. I take it that's not the norm ?

I've reached the point where i don't get too close to the working of my bikes anymore, I just let my dealer change the oil ,He used chrome i don't care, If he would have used black i wouldn't care either.

More power to you guy, I envy you and that is how I envisioned my retirement being. However it is not turning out that way, especially at the prices the HD service department charges.
I started out using chrome, but then decided I liked the look of the black better. Plus, I liked the price better.

Besides, why do you want to draw attention to a disposable oil filter?