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Oil filter micron size???

Das Motorad

If you switch to syntehtic oil should you use a smaller micron filter?

I have heard that you need to use the same micron size filter that HD recomends with either syn or conven oil in order to keep the proper oil pressure?
Let me add to this. Is the standard HD filter 10 microns or 5
The reason I ask is the service manual says use a 10 micron filter and the harley accessories catolog does not specify what it is?
my bad i thought all twin cam were 5 micron so just the 96 is then ill remember that
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actually i want a older fat boy

you used the words" SO FAR" That leaves the door open.
I will have the salesman drop by :)
2009 test rides end of july there will be some good deals on a second bike in the back room I think.

I learned long ago with guns ya never say never just so far :newsmile093:
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