Well, took it back in, they are going to split th engine to fix it. Had to be pretty tough on the service manager to get anywhere... Problem is they are saying its gonna take 2-3 weeks to get it done...Kinda (edit) about that but I even called another local dealership and they gave me the same timeframe. Overall I'm just happy its getting fixed and wanted everyone here to know that if you have oil/tranny whatever coming out the hole on the top of the case..(vent hole/hole to pry engine apart) and your bike is under warrenty take it in and get it fixed. Do not settle for them putting gum...err Silicone in it to fix it. Be pushy and get it done right. I have a small bit of anxiety about them tearing my whole bike apart, but I guess its what they are trained for and if they muck it up, they fix it again. Not to mention I get a free oil change out of the deal Muahhaha!!...
Anyway, just wanted to share my good news and also let all you guys that may have had the same issue know that they WILL fix it if you are under warrenty.
Please read this...
Anyway, just wanted to share my good news and also let all you guys that may have had the same issue know that they WILL fix it if you are under warrenty.
Please read this...
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