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oil level

Hd motorcycles use a dry sump system oil level should be checked when the engine is warmed up
the correct oil level is half way between full and empty mark on the dipstick
when a dry sump system is cold you should check for a presence of oil prior to starting then check correct oil level when hot
when draining the oil the engine and oil should be hot (runs out much quicker and takes most of the contaminants with it)


thanks! oil checked after warmed on jiffy or upright position?

thx glider, dangerdan, crossbones!
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oil level should be checked upright this may be difficult at times
so fully warm up the bike shut off the engine let it sit for a minute get an assistant to hold it upright and check the oil level
get it to the correct level by adding or subtracting oil make sure you run the bike in between adjustments once oil level is correct place bike on the side stand check the oil level again and scribe a line on the dipstick for the side stand level then forever you'll be able to do it on your own anywhere you and the bike are
if during the process you need to remove some oil use a large syringe with some plastic tubing on it to draw out the excess oil (take care as the oil will be hot)
Hope this helps

Hi All,still feelin my way around site,so hope this Q is ok in here....
09 heritage classic oil check HOT?-out and about for about 20miles(17degrees-UK) get home and put bike on level ground and let idle upright for 2min,put on side stand,let stand for few mins then check,level approx 4mm off full(HOT) mark,is this ok?,checked it cold couple of days ago and was half way between FILL and FULL,cheers fellas