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Oil Plug Flew out

I use Gunk as a degrease scrub it in with a firm brush leave for a wee while and rinse off
In this Part of the world dish soap contains salt so it does not get near my bike dish soap is good for hand washing hose as the salt prevents the colours from running

My concern would be getting the belt and rear brake REALLY clean and dried off
Jack what is a good way to clean the non-tooth side of the belt ....Dish soap and a toothbrush? I notice I get black smudges on the backside of my hand when cleaning the wheel. But to tell the truth I was afraid to put anything on the belt.
Jack what is a good way to clean the non-tooth side of the belt ....Dish soap and a toothbrush? I notice I get black smudges on the backside of my hand when cleaning the wheel. But to tell the truth I was afraid to put anything on the belt.

That would work:D
Regular dish soap ,
Dawn etc, Will cut grease/oil better than anything. Thats what it's made for' to remove grease/oil. And do it without damage to surfaces. Even if you get oil on clothing it will get it out better than any stain remover can.

I agree, if you recall the commercial for the Dawn dish soap, it is an effective product to remove oil from animals that fell victum to oil spills. If it does not harm them, it won't harm your paint.