Jack Klarich
Any gauge you can easily read should do
Have you ever done any work to the oil pump?
Any suggestions on what brand gauge to get???
It's only going to be a temporary install just to see what's going on. What I would do is go to Ace hardware and in their brass fitting area get a male 1/8" taper pipe to male 1/4" flare fitting. Go to a welding supply place and get a cheap ($13) 0-50 psi gauge. The output of gauge will probably be 1/4" taper pipe so now go back to Ace hardwarep) and get a female 1/4" pipe to male 1/4" flare and screw it on the back of the gauge. Now get yourself a cheap 36" R12 A/C hose and put it all together. I like the freon hoses because the ends swivel and have finger tight connections. The long length rubber hose will make it easy to see and mount while riding. There are several ways to do it. This is just 1 way that would be easy for me.
As far as the 0-50-psi gauge - would it be the same for oil pressure as it would be for air pressure?
As a matter of fact you can purchase gauges completely made of SS304. You can use them with oil,gas,O2,water, steam you name it. As long as it does not attack SS304 you can use anything you like. 50psi is 50psi is 50psi