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oil pressure

What year bike is this on..... I am confused on that bike you are working on or own.. The Newer cam-plate IS done differently on Different Year HD's. Some OLDER HD's Require a PLUG to be installed in the new cam-plate or the oil Goes pumping (wildly) into the crankcase and Not enough oil pressure at IDLE IS a problem..

Not on the newer bikes though... IF your working on a 00 - 01 - 02 - 03 , Not sure when this design change on the mating surface of the engine oil system changed but it did for the Newer Later Bikes..

Just something to check as I, AM Trying to understand.....

DO you get the oil pressure BACK and NOISE Goes AWAY IF You Raise the IDLE to 2000 RPM? After the reading of "0" oil pressure and engine Noisy.

THIS tells ME it is only LOW at IDLE position....

This IS important to know......... DOES the pressure come back up...

IF it does, this Gives more credence to the needed "plug-off" of an oil hole on the cam-plate.
Sticking OPEN on the cam-plate PR Valve slide could still be the problem...
IF Open at idle and when you raise the idle to 2000 and oil comes back,,,, You see ? Tough one to find the correct answer for the problem...

RE-Read my post #12

Same thing with the s/e cam plate and oil pump no o-ring between the pump and plate.I asked this question and was told that it was a machined surface and did not require an o-ring. The 1999 dyna that i installed this kit into sounds good when cold but just as soon as it gets warm and at idlle the oil light flikers and you start having lifter noise. I used alignment pins that i made to center the oil pump to plate .I followed the instructions and still having problems. I have ordred new alignment pins and will try that .

THIS older bike REQUIRES a threaded plug in the Newer style Cam Plate... IF you put it in ???? IF NOT, THAT Is the Problem

Should BE some information on the INSTALL paper work WAY at the bottom and in Fine print.:s

The bike is a 1999 dyna ,the inner cam bearing went out and while we were repairing the guy wanted to upgrade to the screaming eagle cam plate and cams.When we got it together the oil light went off quickly. We rode it only a few miles and everything was good. He carried the bike home and the next day or so rode it for a while and when he stopped and let it idle the oil light started to flicker.He rode it back home and started hearing lifter noise. He then changed the oil to harley oil and a new filter, he had a after market filter and oil in it.When we first started the bike the oil light went out and the lifter noise went away but just as soon as it got hot the noise came back and the oil light flickers . So at this moment the bike hot and at idle has noise and a flickering oil light.Just as soon as the throttle is opened the loght goes off but you still hear the lifters.Before all this change the oil light never came on but now it does.The instruction sheet i dont think said anything about a plug in the cam plate but maybe i missed something there.
The bike is a 1999 dyna ,the inner cam bearing went out and while we were repairing the guy wanted to upgrade to the screaming eagle cam plate and cams.When we got it together the oil light went off quickly. We rode it only a few miles and everything was good. He carried the bike home and the next day or so rode it for a while and when he stopped and let it idle the oil light started to flicker.He rode it back home and started hearing lifter noise. He then changed the oil to harley oil and a new filter, he had a after market filter and oil in it.When we first started the bike the oil light went out and the lifter noise went away but just as soon as it got hot the noise came back and the oil light flickers . So at this moment the bike hot and at idle has noise and a flickering oil light.Just as soon as the throttle is opened the loght goes off but you still hear the lifters.Before all this change the oil light never came on but now it does.The instruction sheet i dont think said anything about a plug in the cam plate but maybe i missed something there.

YES the OLDER bike does have a different OIL system,,, IT DOES NEED a oil hole PLUG so oil doesn't SPEEL out into the crankcase...

That is where the oil pressure is LOST...

Cold oil doesn't move OUT as fast (viscosity) and ONLY when warmed up HOT does it pump out so fast thru that INTENDED PLUGED Hole and oil pressure is lost.... Never when HOT will the pressure get back to Normal..Only Whan Cold...

ASK at the HD Dealer, They should KNOW..... Make sure you tell them the Older bike 99 and ASK them about the plug Needed in the back of the cam-plate...


IF you like, PRIVATE PM me and I will explain a little more and give you another site to read about this problem... IT IS a problem on other older bikes like this one..
What Bubbie is talking about above certainly applies if using the plate sold as part of the Andrews Products kit (HD p/n 25355-06). I am not sure about the SE kit, but suspect it would be true there too. Check out the AP info in the white paper I wrote here (page 4 of the AP attachment):

Harley Davidson Community

Look carefully at the instructions that came with the SE kit and see if the similar port in the plate should be plugged with a set screw.

This bike is the late 1999 and it has a boss behind the plate that seals off with an o-ring,what i read the early 1999 engine does not have the boss in the case and that is when you use the oil control kit #94667-00.I did read a post on another site that had a similar problem and he found a metal chip in one of the passages in the s/e cam plate he cleaned it out and had good pressure.I dont know if this is the problem or not but will check this.Any other ideas or thoughts.


I found the problem.I did have to block off a passage in the back of the cam plate.I followed the instructions when assembling this plate and the instructions state that if the cam plate in your engine has the numbers ending with 00 disreguard the rest of the instruction page,but if your number ends with 99 follow the rest of the page.This engine cam plate number ended with 00 so we disreguarded the rest of the page.This guy was told that this engine had never been tore down which might be right and hd put this cam plate in or the guy was wrong and the motor had been into before.Either way i learned a lesson that sometimes I need to read on instead of stopping when directions tell you to.Appearently sometimes directions are not always correct.Thanks to all for the help with this problem
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