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Oil tank *suddenly* too full

Carbs have a float, the float controls a needle valve or float valve. If this valve is sticking, it will overflow fuel into the crankcase or overflow tubes.

I had a VW that made oil until I realized it was gas. It used to overflow until I fixed the carb...
If it was gas and that much,,,, Damage can be done to the engine....

Where are we here on this???....

Gas bypassing into the oil???

when drained, oil will smell a little gassy as it does have some in it.. I would of taken a cup out of the drain-pan placed in a area you can burn and Carefully lit it on fire... If it POOFED like gliders Button......... You got your answer... If Not a poof, I doubt if gas leaked enough to make a difference here.

The thing I tried to point out is the LACK off miles to heat up the oil for a HOT check.....
As My HIGH oil tank(06 sport) always shows low after sitting a long while, Sometimes over night... Starting easy and a couple of minutes the oil is where it is supposed to be COLD on MY stick...

Did you change oil and filter with the correct amount of oil, then KEPT an eye on it??? shutting OFF the gas valve after shut down on motor for SAFETY so NO gas could flow?...

Let me know please.....

engine oil completely leaked out

hello, I have a 2005 Sportster 883C and a few months ago the engine oil completely leaked out the back, I checked if it was through the drain plug and it wasn't there, the oil tank doesn't have any cracks and the hoses are in good condition. I would like to know if any has happened to you and why did you throw the oil away? Cheers