Yes all oils in the crank case or in a dry sump tank are going to be the same temperature as the outside ambient or even higher. I know you said that they were in the shade but if they are sitting in the sun on a black top they are going to get on up there in the temperature well above ambient because of how well the crank case/oil tank conducts heat. Hope this helps.
Right. And all that big iron holds the heat for a while. I have come back to my bike after several hours in the garage, and the engine/tranny are still warmer than the ambient temperature. Those bikes with the oil tank connected to the tranny will hold the heat in the oil longer than those with a remote oil tank (like yours Joy). But you still get the radiant heat from those big heat sinks.
My 06 1200 runs 180 - 220 most of the time. One day last summer I ran at 80 - 90 mph for about 20 miles and my temp went up close to 140, as soon as we slowed down to around 70 mph the temp came back down. Must be it needs a 6th gear for long high speed runs...