I Took my daughter to high school once in my AMC Hornet.....She was so embarrassed to be seen in that car....so I beeped the horn when she got out and said.....Bye Honey. We laugh about it now...….lol
I love it! And I bet if you see one today you still smile just because...
Now, if I could have someone else's car...I have a list. My dad had a 58 Impala bubble top, then traded that for a 61 Impala convertible. Both were 348 tri powers and from what I was told, both were the fastest cars around. Dad never would drag race, but apparently, the same man that would pull over and let the school bus pass us when I was a kid liked to drive REALLY fast when he was young.
Fast forward a few years and since my dad had a towing service, my brother bought a 69 Chevelle convertible for $50, had dad tow it home from the scrap yard and we worked on that car for 2 years. By the time he was old enough to drive, he drove it over and took his driver's test in it. Then I hated that car because there was a rip in the top, the heater was minimal and the back windows would always fall down off the track if big brother would hit a bump just right. Not that he would ever do that intentionally or anything...
But me, I had a 76 pacer for the first car...big brother had a 69 chevelle convertible...I have always accused big brother of being the favorite son. (For the record, he was. He was the only son.