Senior Member
Pick your poison as far bad drivers go. Although I will say the few times I'vs almost been hit has been by the "elderly".
I think what would have kept this thread more on context (and probably what FatBrian wishes he had said differently) would be to extract the term -old people- and insert the term -feeble people-. There are some people that are too physically and mentally feeble to be driving. But usually (as was the case with my mother) a doctor will revoke their drivers license (assuming they have family and are under doctor's care).
But as the replies have shown there are many other dangers besides the few feeble people that we all have seen. In Florida there are some lawyer's pushing for outlawing texting while driving. Which I don't have a problem with than since they have produced studies that texting behind the wheel causes more accidents than drunk drivers. But I don't see how they will enforce it unless they ban cell phone use in a vehicle all together.