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Other Interest Hobbies

When I’m not in school or working on my business I really enjoy restoring my 1978 Corvette. I have redone just about everything now but the interior
Family stuff (vacations, boating, camping, tormenting each other, etc.) Here's a pic of our summer Colorado trip.
I also hunt.
hey Richards, you heard about Les Paul didn't ya'.? If you have any you should hang on to 'em for awhile
Getting into some carpentry and house repairs. Built a shed last year and now working on a cabinet for our bathroom. Working on installing hardwood flooring throughout the house.
Enjoy doing general vehicle maintenance and servicing to my wife's two cars, my van (and my Ultra of course) and the cars of our daughters.
Also mentor an 8 year old boy of a friend of the family. Great kid who just needs someone to talk with and do guy stuff with.
Have seen this thread before but never read all the way through. Man, what a truly diverse group of folks. I enjoy making beer ( ales ). It's interesting how you can change flavor and color with the slightest change in receipe.:cheers
Off roading is our Family getaway during the winter months, its only 90 miles east to the dunes, take the R.V. and a trailer full of dirt bikes and have Thanksgiving and New Years out there with about 100k other people.