Been motorcycling for over 30 years, only a handful of those on my current 2004 Sportster. In a nutshell it reawakened the "passion" of riding due to it's seductive and unique design, a receipe for the senses...!
The deal is when you first start riding "young" you naturally take in all the things two wheeled sports involves and due to sensory overload you pick and choose your favorites and tend to overlook the obvious. I did trail riding and the fat tires, lazy horsepower and torque made the totegoat or minibike the bomb.
Later, taking it to the streets, metric cruisers were "natural" and cheap...with their mechanical warts and all. Enter the sportbike and the sheer technical wizardry and performance was like a drug and took the rider to a "different" place nestled in the quiet solitude of a full face helmet. When I got that first ride on that Sporty, it had most of the attributes of a sportbike I loved, but only a 1/2 helmet, gloves and boots, no full on leather regalia...simply turned on the ignition and the booming exhaust note made everyone around duck...could you hear my mind scream..."--ohhh yeahhh!"
The smiles per mile never stop coming...just to don't do it too wide to eliminate "--bugs in your teeth syndrome" hah-hah! :laugh