well i took the starter to work and the lads managed to get it to energize,so when i got home i reinstalled the starter ,hooked everything back up,popped the primary on with 3 bolts just so the starter end could get support and proceeded to hit the starter-nothing ,nobody home! I wondered if there was any chaffing or such at the the throttle clamshell as this bike came with hidden wiring and wouldnt you guess it,as soon as i released the clamshell halves and wiggled on the bar horizontally,i i got dash lights that were constant[didnt dim when starter pushed] but it still didnt start.All i got was a click from this relay under the seat.initially when i found that there was some kind of a break in the wire or short up at the handle bar,both my lady and i felt a weight lift off ourselves,however when it didnt start , we lost a bit of that refresh! Not quite sure what to look at next but i guess at least its a form of progress.