Just an aside. The flag on the right is from the point of view of the observer. Are you mounting for observing from the front or the rear? Been wondering about that.:eamCorrect. Old Glory goes on the right if there are two flags or just the one, but can also be mounted in the center. I will fiddle around with some ideas and when I get done will post up some pictures. I'm hoping to find a 3X5' flag mounted to an 8' pole that can be adjusted down to 4' for traveling. I want to get the wife to make a cover sack to go over the flag when it's rolled up for travel. Then can unroll for parade. Or take it off and expand the pole to 8' for standing the line with PGR.
Just an aside. The flag on the right is from the point of view of the observer. Are you mounting for observing from the front or the rear? Been wondering about that.:eam
Makes sense put that way. Thank you.Flages are mounted on the back of the bike so it must be from the rear.
Just an aside. The flag on the right is from the point of view of the observer. Are you mounting for observing from the front or the rear? Been wondering about that.:eam