Oh just to clarify my last post, the 'depression' is economic. I am not depressed, I ride a motorcycle and you don't see any motorcycles parked outside the Pyschiatrist's office. LOL
Also I just wanted to share with you that all missions are not funerals. There is one coming up that is a 60 mile ride escort. These are truly celebration type events.
Welcome Home Mission, Tampa International Airport to Crystal River, Florida
April 1st-10th Range (Exact date to be determined)
The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to participate in the Welcome Home and escort of Florida National Guard Reserve Unit 690th MP, returning from a year tour of duty from Afghanistan.
The unit (154 soldiers returning) will arrive at Tampa International Airport and then board buses to Crystal River. At some point of the escort the Crystal River and/or Citrus County Police Departments will join into the motorcade.
Staging: Tampa International Airport, Top deck of short term parking lot
Briefing: As directed by ride captain, Mission Ride Captain: David Marsh