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Please wish me luck!

Well the first hurtle is over at the bank. Everything the loan officer said sounded really positive. We aren't quite out of the woods yet but I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I really appreciate everyone's support. Thanks to all of you, this is why this really is the best web community I belong to. I'll keep everyone posted!
Good Luck, Hope things go well for you, If the bank people say things look good thats a good sign they usually can tell early on with the info you give them.
Everything seems to be going so smoothly it kinda worries me a little. The loan was approved now we are waiting for the appraisal to go through which should be no problem, we are getting a heck of a deal on a 2 year old lot model just because it is now obsolete. We are living in a 1973 trailer, how much more obsolete can you get? Thank you all for all of your thoughts and prayers, you all can't understand what a help all of your support has been to my wife and I.
Well at about 1:30 in the afternoon I'm meeting with the guy from the banks appraisal service. I know that we have abut 54 acres of collateral so they have to get a value. I wish I could start digging the basement already!