I'm gonna try the Orange Pledge (should freak people out on a purple bike!)... I wish they made GRAPE pledge!
Okay, so a regular wash, then DRY? and then pledge? and then wipe her down?
Anyone care to wirite down exactly how they do it?
Actually think I saw a "Purple" can of Pledge, I think it was "mixed berry or floral" scented...:small3d011:
Regular wash, then air (blow) dry. Make sure temperature is above 50 deg or so (condensation causes haze which is tough to wipe off), lightly mist the surface with Pledge and wipe off after a moment with clean white ol' Tee shirt (or Smitty' microfibre cloth), rotating it often and checking periodically if soiled, subbing or cleaning cloth as needed. :newsmile106:
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