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Possible Oil Issue

Used your advise with the baster. Got it back to half on the dip stick cold. Should be full when hot, according to the book atleast but we will see what happens. I will check the air filter in a few days to see if the oil stopped leaking into it. Thanks for the advise.
Originally Posted by ahern25
and when the cap opens I hear air release as if I was opening a coke bottle.

Hooples quote
Are you sure about that. I can not imagine that would be the case.
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IF you have pressure in this part of the oil system it should Not to be there..

This part of the Oil system is Not pressurized Nor would/should it be.. Free flowing to where the sump oil is picked up and Pumped back to the oil tank . No pressure should be in the oil tank.

Taking off the oil cap No noise or Pressure should be there.

Have the heads and cyl. been off and Maybe the gaskets are not on right and allowing pressure to build up???,,,

Lots of blow by would also could cause the "Air" problem and with oil out the breather but not staying long enough to Hear "Air" escape thru the oil tank filler.

I could see the oil pumped back INTO the oil tank causing pressure IF::::::

The oil tank is vented thru the tranny vent tube and no pressure UNLES that tube is plugged... Check It Please..... Hmmmmmm

:swoonI have a stage 1 air cleaner, vance and hines oval slip ons and a power commander V. It has been that way for a while. I notice the pressure after I changed the oil. If I start the bike up and remove the oil tank cap I can feel the air coming out if the filler hole with my hands. It only started after I changed the oil. The heads have not been removed or any other part of the bike. Not sure where to check for the tranny vent but will look it up to check if its blocked. I cant figure it out cause I did not mess with anything other then the engine oil, primary oil and tranny oil. Plus a new filter. Nothing else was touched.
If the engine is on and I remove the cap I can feel the air coming out of filler neck. I I start it for a few seconds with cap on. I turn off bike remove cap and hear the air being released like 2 liter bottle of soda.
You should check to see if your head breathers are venting into the air filter or if they are blocked by something.