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Primary Chain Adjustment

Well, at about 40mph, I would start to here this noise. I guess the noise is best described as what I would described what those road gremlin bells sound like. I spoke to an indy shop and suggested that it is most likely my chain was loose. As said, I checked the chain, had a different indy shop look at it, and they said it was ok. So now I am just curious as what the noise is? Any suggestions?

Possible clutch noise, pull t:she clutch in does the noise change?
Johnny, if the noise starts to happen at 40 mph, then it is not dependent on RPM of the engine. (in my eyes)

Do you hear the noise at 40 mph AND UP? If so , go 45 mph and while listening to the noise, pull in the clutch and let the engine return to idle. Does the noise stop? If NO, its not the primary or engine.

If it has something to do with the engine, compensator, primary chain etc, the noise will STOP or change frequency when you pull in the clutch at 45mph.
I can slightly hear it at 45 and up, but that is due to a really loud exhaust. No baffles. But the majority of it is under 40mph, most noticeable at about 40.
Ok, so when you dump in the clutch at 40mph what happens. If the noise immediately goes away,, then engage the clutch and see if the noise comes back.. If is Does, then it is in the primary /engine area.

If the noise continues and at the same frequency/ amplitude as before even after dumping the clutch,, then I doubt it has anything to do with the primary & forward of primary.
Johnny, Welcome to the forum. I wont try to give any advice on this issue because there are alot of good guys here that know a lot more than I. What I will say is I think we need to see more pictures of your bike.

Johnny, Welcome to the forum. I wont try to give any advice on this issue because there are alot of good guys here that know a lot more than I. What I will say is I think we need to see more pictures of your bike.


Sure, go to the Sporty Forum and look under the posted pics, there are a couple more there. If you want, I can post more, but I am unsure of where I should do that. I could post pics from what the bike looked like when I bought it, to what it looks like now if you want?
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I got my service manual today from HD and was able to make sense of what it was they were trying to tell me for my bike. Unlike a lot of others. I drained the fluid and i must say that I was really surprised on how dirty the fluid was. I pay particular attention to the plug as I changed fluid and was amazed how much metal there was stuck on it.

As I had said, I took the bike to an indy shop and they told me that the chain didn't need adjusting. Well, after reading my manual, I was to change the fluid while it is hot. I changed it when it was semi hot, and man there is still a lot of slop there. Next task, to tighten that chain a little, I want to see if that noise that I have gets to be less with some new fluid in it? What does everyone think? Will it?
What does everyone think? Will it?

I would love to participate but you did not reply to Entry point question #16.

Curious to see what the results are. With that much metal a chain adjustment just may do it. I would pull off the primary cover if you can to see if everything is ok within.
I would love to participate but you did not reply to Entry point question #16.

Curious to see what the results are. With that much metal a chain adjustment just may do it. I would pull off the primary cover if you can to see if everything is ok within.

Sorry, didn't mean to miss that, but I guess at this point, I am a little cautious of just wanting to dump the clutch, since I haven't really figured what the issue is. I am using the process of elimination. I have a hard time thinking that it is the clutch in this matter at this point. Yes, I thought that there was a kittle too metal in the fluid. I am going to take the bike to work tomorrow and see what the noise is like, then go from there. I will keep you posted. :s