Well-Known Member
************************************************************Dear Redfish Joe & Gents,
You nailed it right on the head with "fuzzies". I posted a thread here this week in the general section as I did my first primary & transmission oil myslef..lol for me its a big deal.
I did it at 5000 + kilometers and primary oil was black. Did not smell burnt @ all, but was just black. I had quite a bit of fuzzies on my plug and it scared me. A Friend who is VERY mechanically inclined & who rides (granted not an HD) told me he felt it was normal. What was annoying me a great deal before the oil change was the "clunk" everytime I would put it in 1st.. it was LOUD!. Today was my first ride since the oil change and it was better.. still, at certain moments I did get the "clunk". Granted its a Harley. The transmission behaves perfectly.. and all works/feels well.. its just the "clunk".
I was told that if the "fuzzies" really bothered me.. I should ride a couple of hundred miles & change the primary oil again. This time all the "fuzzies" would be flushed. Its not a $$ at all.. as its a quart... so not a big deal at all. I'd appreciate your thoughts/comments about doing this.
Also, I was not able to get Spectro oil in Montreal. I really tried and even contacted them directly. I wasnt too "enthused" about their appreciation for my efforts. I will have to cross the border to get it. Its only a 40 minute drive to the US from Montreal. I am using the HD Synthetic 20W50. I suspect this is fine.
Is there such a big difference between Spectro & HD oils ?. Not politics.. but performance wise.. I would greatly appreciate your feedback.
Best regards,
Shawn (Montreal)
I use SHOCK PROOF HEAVY by Redline...
When you shift a MOVING Drive train,,,,, UNLESS STOPPED it will CLUNK...
That is Just the nature of OUR Beast....
No,NOT ALL do it..
My bike WITH Proper Clutch set-up and 1/16 at the cable WILL go into First With-out CLUNK IF and I say IF I follow MY own rules of SQUEEZE the clutch-handle IN Fully NOT BLIPPING the motor and WAIT a Full 5 seconds... when COLD , doing the above, and First start-off, IT will NOT CLUNK..... After warmed and hot , it will make a Little cink and Never the LOUD CLUNK...
Shockprooof to me is just that, SHOCKproof and IS NEEDED when CLUNK is there.(.) Redline BRAGS about No Damaged Teeth because of their Patn. Shockproof Added to their product,,,, cushioned...(no metal to metal contact)
When you Have NO drivetrain Brakes on these Harleys, like some Big rigs DO, The Clutch and cable HAVE to be set Perfectly to allow the motion to STOP hence the short WAIT when clutch is Squeezed OR you will get a CLUNK and or a Grind, REGARDLESS of OIL used in the Primary OR the Tranny.. NOW, that is just the Nature of OUR beast.
enough said.. MY caps were NOT in anger but Needed to show the MEANING and My THOUGHT (like Normal for me)....
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Just My Way:newsmile011: