The ad states that the Pulsar plugs "store energy", then release it. Ignition pulses are pretty short, where do they get the extra energy for the storage? :bigsmiley24:
Good information as I am about to change plugs. Think I will stick with stock. How often should they be changed? I had new ones at 7k and a bit over 10.5k now.
Good information as I am about to change plugs. Think I will stick with stock. How often should they be changed? I had new ones at 7k and a bit over 10.5k now.
Pulstar Pulse Plugs Dynomometer Test in a Harley Davidson Sportster.avi - YouTube
I have no opinion yet, but here is a harley tech running a dyno on a sportster with stock and with pulstars...see for yourself.
I think that worked...the link post, my first try at video linking here. wee...:22: