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Having spent years slicing meats I understand the frustrations. I liked to offer it "shaved" and thats how we always sliced it for our Deli Style Sandwiches. The geniuses at Wal-Mart and other places just dont understand what we're looking for now days.
I do remember it taking much longer to shave rather than slice, so that might be part of it too (more effort involved).
This is quite a thread...LOL
Doc, does the control knob for the thickness of slice usually have several complete turns from end to end or does the entire sweep from thick to thin require just 1 (or almost 1) complete turn.
Reason I ask is because when the lady shows me a slice of ham and asks "Is this OK" and I say "NO,,,Thinner" I usually see her go back and rotate the control knob maybe 10 degrees of full circle. She moves it almost nothing and then slices me off a pound and a half of cardboard thick meat..
The next time I go in, I am fighting back. I want to be ready with facts just like I was a Deli man.