I was wondering if anybody has try to instald a set of 96" heads on a 98' Revoluton performance cly.kit. I have the opertunity to buy a set of 96" heads cheap that are in perfect condition any opion would be helfuf. Thank You for any in put. Rick
That late model head will pull just about 119 cfm @ 10" @ .600" lift.
Once that head is modified, with a 1.900" intake valve, along with port modifications, we commonly see 155 cfm, @ 10", @ .600" lift.
Our 2" valve version rolls out 172. For those interested in that @ 28", that number is 287.
BUT, peak flow numbers are not what it is all about either, as mid-lift is EXTREMELY important. We consider the mid-lift area, between .200"-.400", and the reasoning is that the valve spends more time in that area, on the opening, and the closing, than on the seat, or at peak lift.
Once that type of cylinder head work is established, along with the correct compression for the cam, your bike will not be the same.
