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Ready for round two

We didn't have a bunch of snow in the first place. Had about a week of low 30's and it melted alot away.

Thru out today we got about 10 inches. Maybe a little more. Now the wind is supposed to kick up.
No snow in South Texas, but it is overcast, 40 and windy. Lousy weather, but a lot better than being rear end deep in it. :newsmile036:
10 inches on the ground and falling hard. Supposed to get 2 inches per hour for the next 4 hours and some more over night. Total forecast now around 22 inches. Thank god for snow blowers, Beck's on tap in the kegorator and some nice Cuban Monticristo's.
South Jersey were expecting another 12-16" and the auger belt on my snowblower broke, sears said not in stock anywhere has to be ordered, so I mounted a piece of plywood on the front of the snowblower, figure ill try to make it a snowplow instead! Shortly Ill see how this plan works!
I feal the pain in my back watching you guys and gals digging out go slow and dont over do it ,Jack
If it wasn't for my snowblower the last week of all this snow removal would have killed my back. Thank God for smart people inventing great things.
Not trying to rub it in, but we're expecting a low of 35* in the morning. I really feel for you guys up in north. Hope everyone maintains power and stays safe!